
Fine della civiltà 1924

The Self-Satisfied Burgher/ What does it matter if we're annexed afterwards, so long as we remain neutral 1916

Ferdinand the Chameleon/ I was a Catholic, but, needing Russian help, I became a Greek Orthodox. Now I need the Austrians, I again become Catholic. Should things turn out badly, I can again revert to Greek Orthodoxy. 1916

Gli orrori della prima guerra mondiale 1916

Gli orrori della prima guerra mondiale 1916

God with Us/ At the command "Gott mit uns" you will go for them. 1916

Il rappresentante della Kultur./ Sono incaricato dal mio imperatore di spandere l'intelligenza pel mondo 1916

Le bellezze della guerra/ Chi non le capisce 1916

Liberté! Liberté, chèrie! 1916

Seduzione… alla Bissing/ nevevro, ch'io so farmi amare? 1916

September, 1914, and September,1915/ 1914: "Now, the war begins as we like it."/ 1915: "But this is not as I wished it to continue." (Published after the French success in Champagne) 1916

The Friendly Visitor/ The German: "I come as a friend"/ Holland: "Oh, yes. I've heard that from my Belgian sister". 1916

The German Loan/ Don't breathe on the bubbler or the whole will collapse 1916

The Great Surprise/ Moses II leads his chosen poepole through the Red Sea to the promised (Eng) land 1916

The Latin Sisters/ Italy: "Indeed she is my sister". 1916

To the End/ War and Hunger: "Now you must accomany us to the end."/ The Kaiser: "Yes, to my end." 1916

Vox populi suprema lex/ L'imperatore: Non ti preoccupare della tua gente, Tino. La gente deve solo applaudire a quello che diciamo 1916

A Stable Place/ The Kaiser: "And remember, if they do not accept, I deny altogether" 1916

Ahasuerus Returns/ "Once I drove the Christ out of mu door; now I am doomed to walk from the Northern Seas to the Southern, from the Western shores to the Eastern mountains, asking for Peace, and non will give it to me" 1916

Christendom after Twent Centuries 1916

Christmas Eve/ Joseph: "The Holy War is at the door" 1916

Gott Strafe England!/ Father says I have to do the same with France 1916

Gott Strafe Italien! 1916

It's Fattening Work 1916

L'Avenir 1916

My Son, Go and Fight for Your Motherland! 1916

The German: "If you will let me keep what I have, I will let you go" 1916

The Promise/ "We shall never sleath the sword until Belgium recovers all, and more than all athat she has sacrificed"- Mr Asquith, 9th November, 1914 1916

The Raid/ "Do you remeber Black Mary of Hamburg?"/ "Aye, well"/ "Sho got six years for killing a child, whilst we get the Iron Cross for killing twenty at Hartlepool" 1916

Von Bethmann-Hollweg and Truth/ "Truth is on the path and nothing will stay her" 1916

War Loan Music/ "was blazen die Trompeten Moneten heraus?" 1916
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